Invitation to Warsaw 

February 15, 2025

On behalf of the Polish Christian Forum and the European Evangelical Alliance prayer network, the Schuman Centre invites you participate in Warsaw with others from various backgrounds and disciplines across Europe in the STATE OF EUROPE FORUM on May 9th and 10th this year. 

Daily headlines declare unprecedented and alarming developments in world affairs so that no one can predict what the situation will be three months from now. We have clearly entered a new uncertain era of international relations. More than ever we need to ‘understand the times and know what God’s people should do.’

On Friday evening May 9, the 75th anniversary of the Schuman Declaration, in the rich ambience of the historic Holy Trinity Lutheran Church in central Warsaw, we will hold a public gathering to reflect on Europe’s future in the light of the three-minute speech Robert Schuman held in Paris on that date in 1950. 

That speech – a turning point in the anxious and uncertain years following the end of World War Two – was a defining moment of post-war Europe. It was the catalyst for the process of integration among previously warring nations that continues to this day. It announced more than just an economic plan. It brought hope for turbulent times then. It also offers spiritual direction for the way forward through the turbulent times we find ourselves living through now. 

Each year the Schuman Centre looks for partners in the capital of the country holding the EU presidency to hold a forum with those from various disciplines and church backgrounds to evaluate the current state of our continent, not just the EU itself. In Warsaw we are teaming up with Catholics, Protestants and Evangelicals to design a multi-faceted programme offering ‘Hope in turbulent times’

‘Radical middle’

This year’s forum comes as Christians search for the ‘radical middle’ between increasingly militant ‘woke’ cultural streams and strident far-right populists claiming to represent the Judeo-Christian legacy. The polarisation has been aggravated over the past weeks and days by the new controversial American administration supporting far-right populist parties in Europe and downplaying Russian genocidal aggression in Ukraine.

Friday, May 9, is officially Europe Day, commemorating Schuman’s pivotal speech which launched the European Coal and Steel Community. Schuman’s vision was to realise a ‘community of peoples deeply rooted in Christian values’. This first concrete and practical step towards mutual cooperation and accountability to ensure peace and unity has eventually led to today’s European Union of 27 nations. While the values of peace, solidarity, freedom of conscience and rule of law reflect Christian roots, Schuman warned that democracy cut off from those roots would degenerate into tyranny and anarchy. The trend toward autocratic rulers espousing Christian language is cloaking this degeneration.

Tragic history

As Poland holds the EU Presidency these first six months of this year, Warsaw is the appropriate venue for the forum. When John Paul II kissed the ground at the Warsaw airport on June 2, 1979, he catalysed a spiritual uprising which toppled communism in Poland – and ultimately across Europe. Lech Walesa’s independent trade union Solidarity rode the spiritual momentum that followed, resulting in a free, democratic Poland, and inspired further uprising in Central and Eastern Europe.

Poland’s tragic history, often characterised as being ‘crucified between two thieves’, has also yielded important precedents of forgiveness and reconciliation with former enemies, including Germany and Ukraine.    

Warsaw’s Jewish ghetto outlined in brick and with poignant memorials is a reminder of the stubborn anti-semitism returning in fresh guise in our cities. 

These issues require addressing at the forum. As details concerning contributors and topics are confirmed, they will be announced on the forum website:, where registration will open next week.

Programme elements and locations are as follows:

Friday May 9:

10.00 European Studies Day, Collegium Bobolanum: 

The Gospel and the making of Europe; The Gospel and European integration; The Gospel and the fall of communism; The Gospel and the future of Ukraine.

14.00 Prayer Walks through Warsaw: The Old City, the Jewish ghetto, the government sector

19.30 75th Commemoration of the Schuman Declaration, Holy Trinity Lutheran Church 

Open for all. We have invited a former European Parliament president to address this event – awaiting confirmation. In this venue where exactly 200 years ago the 15-year old Frederic Chopin played for the Russian Tsar, Alexander I, we plan a Chopin recital as part of the programme.

Saturday May 10: 

9.00-17.30 Full-day Forum: The Christian Theological Academy of Warsaw:

Three plenary sessions will be interspersed with two breakout seminar sessions on eight topics to be announced on the forum website as they are confirmed. Registration fee €35, includes a light lunch and refreshments.

Each venue is easily accessible by public transport. Participants are responsbile for their own accommodation. We’ll suggest some suitable centrally located hotels on the forum website.

We hope to see you in Warsaw!

Till next week,

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