OCT 31 – NOV 3, 2005
It’s not the radical muslim fundamentalist agenda clogging today’s headlines and editorials.
Quietly, under the radar, it is spreading and growing, shaping the minds and spirits of company exectutives, schoolchildren, educationalists an housewives, and shaping our continent’s future.
It’s a revival – of old pagan spirituality. Yet it’s called the NEW spirituality. And it’s likely to have greater impact on the future of Europe than Islam.
Simply because it is far more attractive to Europeans.
Europeans are spiritually hungry again! Bookstores report insatiable interets in the new spirituality. There appears to be more spiritual hunger outside the church than inside these days.
Many are seeking spirituality reality – the last place they expect to find it is in the church.
Instead they seek it via Reiki, Yoga, Feng shui, channelling, Kabbalah, wicca, goddess worship, holistic healing, the human potential movement and a host of other options called, collectively, the NEW SPIRITUALITY.
Why suddenly do we see so many books about ‘secret gospels’ and ‘hidden truths’, a new gnosticism as in The Da Vinci Code? Why has witchcraft and wicca become so cool among children and the youth, enthralled by Harry Potter plots?
Why are superstars like Madonna, Britney Spears adn David Beckham exploring the mysteries of ancient Jewish mysticism in the Kabbalah?
Are we aware of the changing spiritual landscape of Europe?
How can we respond?
How effectively do our ministries reach out to these ‘new’ Europeans?
Who is already engaged in effective ministry to such spiritual seekers?
What might this new age movement even be saying to the Church?
To seek answers to these and other questions, a pan-European consultation on EVANGELISM IN A NEW AGE will be held in Basel, Switzerland, October 31-November 3 this year, initiated by the HOPE FOR EUROPE Evangelism Network, with the support of organisations including Agape, OM, YWAM, Greater Europe Mission, Janz Team International, Proclaim International and others.
BASEL, a Reformation city and a pioneer city in world missions, is today home of one of the world’s largest annual body, soul, mind fairs. October 31 is both Halloween and Reformation Day. Which future will Europe choose?
BASEL is also home to the St. Chrischona Conference Centre where this consultation will be held.
Speakers and contributors include:
· Dr John Drane (Aberdeen, Scotland), New Testament scholar and lecturer, author of ‘What the New Age is (still) saying to the Church’; Faith in a Changing Culture; The Bible Phenomenon, The McDonaldization of the Church and Beyond Predictability: the Tarot and your spirituality (co-author);
· Olive Fleming Drane, (also Aberdeen, Scotland), story-teller, clown and writer, mission networker with the Baptist Union of Scotland, author of Spirituality to Go: rituals and reflections for everyday life; Clowns, storytellers, disciples; Family Fortunes: Faith-full caring for today’s families;
· Dr John Warwick Montgomery(Strassbourg, France) Lutheran theologian and lecturer, author of over 50 books, including Principalities and Powers: the world of the occult;
· Daniel Hari (Adligenswil, Switzerland) Salvation Army Evangelist to new agers, author of Healing Jesus Style/ Heilen wie Jesus – Einf√ºhrung ins Christozentrische Heilen;
· Stefan Dreiss (Manchester, England) Healing evangelist to new agers (ex-football hooligan and medium), author: Finding the light.
Sessions will address:
· The European spiritual landscape
· What is the “New” Spirituality?
· What is the New Spirituality saying to the church?
· Jesus and the New Spirituality – the openness to Jesus
· The centrality of the resurrection
· Lessons from the early church
· Apologetics and evangelistic myths about postmodern spirituality
· Models of effective engagement
· Incarnating the gospel to New Spirituality seekers
Costs and registration:
1. Consultation plus accommodation and all meals:
· Single room €300
· Double room €250
· Dormitory (20 beds) €150
2. Consultation with meals only: €100
3. Late registration fee (after Sept 30): €25
How to register:
1. Email the registration form below to: HFE Evangelism in a new age consultation, attn. Jelly van der Wal,, Zwarteweg 10, 8181 PD Heerde, NL
2. Register online at (after Aug 15)
Registration form: Evangelism in a new age consultation 2005
Name (Forename/Family name) *
City Country
Accommodation preference: Single room/double (preferred room-mate)/dormitory/no accommodation
Special dietary needs
Other remarks (e.g. your interest in this consultation)
Send payment to: Hope for Europe Basel consultation,
Swiftcode: ABNANL 2A
IBAN: NL15ABNA 0598906517
Bank address: Dorpsstraat 25, 8181 HL Heerde, NL
See you in Basel?
Jeff Fountain
Till next week,