Joining God in the public square – questionnaire

April 10, 2021

Yesterday I sent out the weekly word with a request for help with post-graduate research I am presently engaged in on evangelical attitudes towards the European Union, and the factors that have shaped them. 

The email address I gave for those willing to help was incorrect.

(I am having complicated problems with my email account right now and am having technical assistance, which is why I cannot use my normal email address.)

To shorten the process, I am including the questionnaire here. If you are willing to help me, please block and copy this questionnaire, fill it in and send your responses to me at:

QUESTIONNAIRE on evangelical attitudes towards the European Union, and the factors that have shaped them:

  1. Which of the following perspectives would best describe evangelical attitudes towards the EU among your relatives, friends, colleagues and contacts, in your judgement?
    1. No particular position: ‘Brussels is too far from my bed’;politics has little to do with the gospel; the EU is not something I ever think about; I’m too involved with my church activities to be interested; just don’t know…
    2. Modern Babylon: ‘Europe’ is the ten-headed beast, the anti-Christ, a step towards one-world government (premillennialist eschatology); the EU is the fractured fulfillment of the final empire of Daniel’s vision (the feet in Daniel 2:33); the EU brings subjection of protestant nations to Catholicism.
    3. Sovereign nationalism: God has ‘set the boundaries’ of ordained sovereign nation-states as his model for world order; The EU should be an intergovernmental, confederal Europe of cooperating sovereign states.
    4. Community of peoples/decentralised federation: based on common values of service, stewardship, solidarity and sustainability, seeking the common good and promoting public justice, sharing sovereignty on pan-European issues.
    5. Centralised federation: more centralisation, more Brussels; an economic, budgetary, fiscal and political union.
    6. Pragmatism: The EU is a voluntary association and we should accept its course as determined by the decisions of the member states and the European Parliament.
    7. Other: (please state)

Please rank in order of priority (e.g., 1,6,3,5,4,2) 

  1. What factors do you think shape these perceptions the most: 
  1. ignorance
  2. popular eschatological theories
  3. serious bible study
  4. news/social media
  5. personal convenience
  6. people with trusted opinions

Please rank in order of priority (e.g., 4, 2, 5 …) 

  1. Which category best describes your personal view of the EU? [. ]

  1. What factor(s) above has/have influenced your perspective the most? /. /. /.

  1. Are you aware of any courses/programmes which offer bible-based training for:
    1. the public square in general, (journalism, politics, government, law, public ethics, …), and 
    2. European issues in particular?

If ‘yes’, where and what:

  1. Do you have further thoughts to share relevant to these questions?

Please send your responses to :

With grateful thanks.

Till next week,

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